The reason for Icardi’s absence – Inter director
By Football Italia staff
Roma have been in the middle of a crisis for a long time, and the club’s situation is not improving. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the team is not in the best shape.
The situation is worsened by the failure of the previous season, when the team was in the Champions League zone for a short time.
However, the situation is getting worse, and it is clear that the club is not able to compete for the title.
It is clear too that the situation in the squad is not the best. The players are tired, they are not in peak condition, and they are simply not able even to compete in the Europa League.
In such conditions, the management has to do its best to save the club. The club has to find a solution for the situation, and this is what the new Inter director, Gian Piero Ventura, is doing.
Ventura has a good reputation in the transfer market, and he is able to find solutions for the problems of the club, which is why he is being appointed to the position.
The new Inter head is a person who is able not only to solve the problems in the team, but also to improve the situation.
He is a specialist in the field of transfers, and his experience is very important.
Thanks to him, the club will be able to continue to compete, and not to lose points in the matches against the weaker teams.
Inter’s situation in Serie A
The previous season was not the most successful for the club in the Serie A. The team was not in a good shape, and its results were not so good.
This season, the team has started well, and now it is in a better shape. The problem is that the players are not able yet to show their maximum.
There is still a long way to go before the end of the championship, and there is a good chance that the current season will be the last for the team.
Of course, the current situation is bad, but it is not a disaster. The main problem of the team this season is the lack of motivation.
Many players are still not 100%, and they have not yet managed to show the maximum. This is a serious problem, because the team needs to be in the top 4 to be able compete for gold medals.
If the team fails to do this, then it will not be able even in the playoffs to be considered a contender.
At the moment, the main problem is the fact the players have not been able to show maximum, and so they have lost points in matches against weaker teams and have not managed to get into the top-4.
Now, the players of the current team have to find the motivation to play well, because this will allow them to be a real contender for gold.
They have to do their best, and if they do not manage to do it, then the team will not get into a higher class.
Who will be Inter’s main competitors?
This is a real problem for the current Inter team, because now it has to compete with the following teams:
* Milan;
* Napoli;
* Roma;
* Lazio.
All of them have a good squad, and all of them are capable of winning the title this season.
But the current problem is not limited to the Serie a, and Inter is not alone in it. The other teams have the same problems.
For example, the position of the teams in the standings is not so bad, and many of them can be considered as outsiders.
Milan is in the fourth position, and Napoli is in third.
Rome and Lazio are also in a pretty good shape. However, the problem is their lack of experience, and their problems are not so serious.
So far, the teams are in a very good shape in Serie a.
What are the main problems of Inter?
The main problem for Inter is the problems with the results. The coach of the Nerra team, Fabio Cannavaro, has been fired, and in his place, Gianluigi Buffon has been appointed.
Cannavaro is a very experienced coach, and is able, as the new head of the Serie B team, to solve all the problems. However he is not an expert in transfers, so he has to rely on the transfer policy of the management.
Buffon has a very positive reputation, and has a lot of experience in the world of transfers.
Thus, the new coach has to solve many problems for the Nerre team, and to do that, he has only a few months to do his job.
As a result, the Nerres have to start the championship in a much better way.
Main results of the season
The team started the season very well, but then it began to lose ground. The reason for this is the poor results of many players.
Despite the fact they are in the strongest division in the country, the results of Inter are not very good. The previous season the team had a good start, and then it started to lose its shape. Now, the problems are even more serious, and even the team’s results are not good.